'And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature." (Mark 16:15)
"For i was hungry and you gave me meat: I was thirsty, and you gave me drink: i was a stranger, and you took me in: Naked, and you clothed me: I was sick, and you visited me: i was in prison, and you came unto me." (Matthew 25: 35-36
Ollie R. Dixon, President
Carrie Ann Brown, Vice President, Treasurer
Rakeisha Hill, Secretary
Dr. Carmen Butts
Contrail Dixon
Sending Ollie Global Ministries & Ollie R. Dixon
Sending Ollie Global Ministries is a faith based global outreach ministry founded by Ollie R. Dixon, a humanitarian at heart who is mandated to "go into all the world and preach/teach the Gospel." A visionary and inspirational sought after speaker, she inspires audiences to come out of their comfort zones to make a difference in their world. In ministry since 1988 and a pastor since 1995 she regularly collaborates with ministries locally and internationally to develop outreach programs geared to youth and families. Individuals, ministries, businesses and philanthropists are encouraged to join us in providing educational opportunities, reducing poverty and combating disease. Ollie Dixon regularly trains and leads teams on missions.. Your prayers and support are appreciated.
UPDATE: Due to a series of unanticipated events including COVID a few changes were implemented: First, our local Kentucky ministry underwent a reconstruction. It is now Christian Faith Temple Church dba Sending Ollie Global Ministries, Inc. Secondly, due to a land issue the plans to construct a school campus in Narok Kenya had to be cancelled. While this was very disappointing, the call to Africa and beyond is still a mandate. Additionally, in 2021 Sending Ollie Global Ministries (SOGM) begin collaborating with a ministry in Haiti as an annual tuition sponsor for 3 school age youth while also sponsoring a Vacation Bible School for youth. After a 2017 trip to West Africa, a collaboration was formed with a ministry in Ghana.. In the Fall of 2023, Ollie and team will return to Ghana with a full itinerary of speaking engagements in various cities at places of worship, educational and medical facilities. Rural health screenings in collaboration with in-country health organizations plus distribution of clothing and dry good foods take place for underserved rural youth and families.
For more information or to donate please contact us at: or click on above link to donate. Thank you.
Sending Ollie Global Ministries
Ollie R. Dixon
2010-A Harbison Drive# 255 (NEW ADDRESS)
Vacaville, CA 95688